Employment Agency of Bremen-Bremerhaven

The Agentur für Arbeit BremenVegesack offers assistance with all issues regarding job searches, apprenticeships, and professional development or retraining.

The Agentur für Arbeit Bremen-Bremerhaven (Employment Agency of Bremen-Bremerhaven) is part of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency). If you have Duldungsstatus (status indicating temporary suspension of deportation) or an Aufenthaltsgestattung (certification of asylum application), you will be advised about your career options. Using the Jobbörse (job market) feature on the website of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit, you can search for open positions, a vocational training program, or an internship.

For more information, visit the provider's website or call.
ProviderAgentur für Arbeit Bremen-Bremerhaven
AddressGrimsbystr. 1, 27570 Bremerhaven
Phone+49 421 1782535
Last checked: 13.12.2023

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