Freizeitheim Lücke – Amt für Jugend, Familie und Frauen (Office for Youth, Family and Women)

The Centre has a group room, creative workshop, computer room, kitchen and a hall with counter.
The rooms can be rented by associations for a usage fee.

What we do:

  • Open-door offers
  • Gender-specific work with boys and girls
  • project work
  • Cooperation projects with schools
  • Neighbourhood work
  • educational work
  • Sports activities
  • New media
Walk in during the opening times:

Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

ProviderAmt für Jugend, Familie und Frauen - Abteilung Jugend- und Frauenförderung
AddressCarsten-Lücken-Straße 18, 27574 Bremerhaven

Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Contact PersonHerr Dirk Heine
Phone+49 471 291660
Last checked: 29.11.2023

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