Language course for job qualification: level B2 – Volkshochschule Bremerhaven

The language course B2 is build on 500 teaching units with the goal to reach the language level B2 of the GER. This specific language course is concentrated on job-based language. The course will be completed with a certificate.

The language course is for…

  • people who already participated in an integration course and/or have German language skills on B1 level
  • people who have a migration background and need further language qualification
  • people who are registered as job-seeking and/or receive SGB II (Hartz IV) or SGB III (Arbeitslosengeld)
  • apprentices (or people who are looking for an apprenticeship) who have a migration background and need further language qualification
  • people with migration background who need further language qualification in order to get their professional qualification accepted and approved

You will find further information at the Volkshochschule.

For more information, visit the provider's website or call.
ProviderVolkshochschule Bremerhaven
AddressLloydsr.15, 27568 Bremerhaven
Contact PersonFrau Cora Kielhorn
Phone+49 471 5904750
Last checked: 12.12.2023

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